Licensing & OSS

Anti-Monopoly Law.

Qualcomm to Permit Licenses To Chinese Mobile Phone Producer Xiaomi

Chipmaker Qualcomm Inc marked a permitting agreement with Xiaomi Technology Co Ltd [XTC.UL] that permits …

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FRAND Licensing- An Introduction

Most of our daily lives are governed by technological devices – smartphone operating over 3G/4G …

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assignment agreement

WiLAN’s Patent Agreement with Panasonic

Top intellectual property licensing company, WiLAN (WIN) recently announced that the company has entered into …

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Open Source Wonders

Where there are companies which struggles to monopolize the market with their inventions and their …

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Licensing & OSS

Tesla Motors to “Open Source” its patents.

Tesla Motors, America’s leading Manufacturer of electric cars has taken a curious step of an …

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Understanding General Public License v1

The GNU General Public License (GPL) is one of the most commonly used open source …

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Common Public License

What is Eclipse Public License?

Eclipse Public License (hereinafter EPL) is a type of Open Source Software license and is …

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Copyleft license

What is a copyleft license?

Copyleft is a play on the word copyright. Unlike copyright law that prohibits unauthorized reproduction, …

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IP Clauses

Key Clauses in a License Agreement

In Continuation with my previous blog entry. Every License Agreement should contain a framework which …

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Basics of Intellectual Property Licensing

A License Agreement is a relationship of co-operation between parties whereby one party, the licensor, …

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