Rule 14 of the Patent (Amendment) Rules


(1) The amendment made to a provisional or complete specification or any modification in any drawing accompanying the specification must be retyped and must form a comprehensive, coherent and continuous document.
Any additions or deletions made by pasting slips or as footnotes or any writing handwritten or printed in the margin of the document will be rejected.

(2) All the amended must be returned to the Controller by the applicant or his agent; along with the superseded pages or drawings, if any, duly marked, canceled. A duplicate copy of – (a) retyped pages (b) added pages (a) addition and/or amended drawings, diagrams must also be sent to the Controller.

Total Amendments: 2016

14(2) – New Insertion
Clear identification of amendment with specific markings of the portions along with the line number and page number or drawing in the specification must be made along with the reason for the amendment has to be filed.
(3) A part of 14(1) subclause language has been split and made as a separate subclause
(4) Deeming Provision
Upon submission of retyped page or pages containing the amendment made to the specification; previously submitted pages shall stand superseded and canceled.

By Tara Gopinath