IP Support Function For MNC
Know More About IP Support Function For MNC
Our solution for MNC features capablities for handling every aspect of IP. We understand the nature of work flow in global companies, with IP subject to multiple jurisdictions. Our business model engages 60+ legal partners worldwide, with expertise in local IP practice through a setup that ensures smooth delivery of work flow. We work along side existing in-house IP teams to complement them with services that increase efficiency and minimize resource building efforts. Our support function is a plug-and-play model that allows MNC to instantly engage a dedicated IP support team without the worry of managing it and at rates that ensure huge cost-savings. Our MNC solution is bound to ensure cost and time savings while maintaining quality of delivery.
Full Integrated Support for IP Services
IP Policy and Process Review (ipMetrix Review)
IP Mining
Innovation/IP Culture Development
Patent Research
Specification Drafting and Prosecution Support
Portfolio and Competitor Analysis
Transactions through valuation and negotiation support services
Customized Work Support on Project Basis

Full Integrated Support for IP Services
We offer support services for all IP related tasks, which include protection, research and commercialization. Typical we work with MNC as a major IP support partner and provide dedicated virtual teams for various processes. Our staff are trained to handle client specific tasks by understanding processes within the MNC. To enable a smooth work flow, we have built our own software tools that are accessible through the cloud. These tools include report generation, docketing and tracking, and work order management with relevant cost details.
We understand the nature of cross-border specific IP practices and have built a network of more than 60 partners including leading attorneys. Our cost-saving model enables our clients to access our partners at significantly lower rates, which enables multiple filings and prosecution support at significantly discounted rates. Moreover, we do not charge any hourly consulting fee for answering queries through email or telephone. Our transparent processes are easy to manage by MNC since there are no hidden costs.

IP Policy and Process Review (ipMetrix Review)
We provide audit services to ensure that policies are in line with business goals and that processes are in line with policies in MNC. An important step in our audit (called ipMetrix Review) process is conducting in-depth interviews with important stake holders to understand the strategic goals of an organization. Based on the strategic business goals of the organization, we provide recommendations to setup/update policies and processes. This ensures that ground level mechanisms are aligned to the overall business goals of the organization. We recommend conducting an audit at least once in a year.

IP Mining
Our IP mining process can help uncover golden nuggets that lie hidden within an organization’s IP portfolio. Today, the sheer licensing income of U.S. coporates exceeds $100 billion. By proper assessment of IP portfolio, a company can improve bottom line and maximize shareholder value. Patent portfolio mining is usually done in tandem with effective marketing methods to extract value from the portfolio.
The process of portfolio mining begins with a review of all patents and categorization according to their strengths and fields of use, the technology involved, and their potential commercial uses. The mining process includes searches for new applications of the technology, emerging markets for the technology, extensions of the technology, potential infringement candidates, divisions for spin-outs and joint ventures.
Our comprehensive IP mining helps organizations to prioritize their portfolio, by categorizing patents according to potential value and estimated timeline for licensing each patent.

Innovation/IP Culture Development
Large organizations today recognize that innovation is critical for long-term success. For instance in the Electronics domain, decades of increasing complexity, compressed product lifecycles and intense competition, have led to innovation on a global scale that today has more potential for sustainable growth and competitive advantage. An effective innovation and IP culture is crucial for systematic identification and development of IP that is vital for success in any business domain.
Our process for innovation and IP culture development helps organizations align their IP strategies by defining their short-term and long-term objectives. Planning is critical to understanding the drivers in any business for establishing IP strategy that supports a culture of innovation. Our team of IP professionals can provide an assessment of your existing processes and infrastructure to help you identify and prioritize the specific goals necessary for your IP program to support your business objectives.
We provide necessary training to in-house staff on innovation frameworks and help them in integrating innovation frameworks into IP work flow to enable targeted IP portfolio development. Further, our assessment would outline various implementation tactics and IP capabilities needed to achieve business goals.

Patent Research
We offer cutting edge patent research services that enable our clients to focus on their technology and the value derived from it. We make the process simple for our clients by providing clear and insightful research reports that enable R&D; and legal teams to make key decisions regarding technology roadmap, technology strategy, licensing, infringement, validity, freedom to operate etc.

Specification Drafting and Prosecution Support
Our patent drafters have industry experience with master’s or post doctoral degrees in their respective fields. They have specialized expertise to understand innovative technical concepts to translate them into patent specifications in a timely and cost effective manner. Our team of attorneys scrutinizes every draft to ensure that the claims are as broad and effective as possible to protect client’s interest.
Our centralized prosecution team consists of attorneys who respond to various office actions in a timely and effective manner. Moreover, our network of partners across the globe ensures that your patent prosecution is relevant to the IP jurisdiction.

Portfolio and Competitor Analysis
Competitor analysis is an important research to be conducted to ensure long-term sustainability of business. It is performed to formulate strategic goals vis-a-vis the technology development environment. Our report would include a comprehensive list of competitors working in a technology domain, the region where they operate, their collaborators, and patents that can enable our client to explore options in the domain.
Our goal is to help organizations understand their competitor’s IP portfolio while formulating their IP policies and focus areas.

Transactions through valuation and negotiation support services
IP valuation is an important exercise that all organizations need to perform not only for licensing purpose but also for disclosing value of intangibles to third party. Recent issuance of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets, has changed the accounting treatment of certain intangibles acquired through business combinations. The earlier treatment of intangibles with amortization period has changed to carrying intangibles on balance sheet at fair value and subject to periodic impairment testing. This would be important to tax departments. Other third party who might need to know value of intellectual property are financiers and bankruptcy evaluators.
Our methodologies for valuation include Cost Approach, Market Approach, and Income Approach. The income approach uses appropriate discount rates such as capital asset pricing model (CAPM), the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and the “Build-up” method.

Customized Work Support on Project Basis
Our team of IP professionals is so flexible that we allow clients to customize the kind of solution that they want. Many MNCs have their own in-house IP teams that handle significant amounts of IP processes internally. However, there is always a need to engage an external IP team for short-term or medium-term projects that have specific objectives. These include bulk prior-art searches, bulk drafting and filing, and IP research for specific technology areas that require larger IP teams for quicker results.
We work with MNCs to understand their specific requirements and provide tailor-made solutions that suit their IP needs.

Full Integrated Support for IP Services

IP Policy and Process Review (ipMetrix Review)

IP Mining

Innovation/IP Culture Development

Patent Research

Specification Drafting and Prosecution Support

Portfolio and Competitor Analysis

Licensing/M&A; Transactions through valuation and negotiation support services

Customized Work Support on Project Basis
Success Stories

We provide research and prosecution support for a major multi-national consumer electronics company. Our services include prior art searches, patent specification drafting, filing and prosecution, landscape studies, portfolio analysis.
Research and prosecution support for a top consumer electronics company in the world
We are a single point IP services provider for a top 4 optical cable manufacturer. Our services include initial research, patent specification drafting, filing and prosecution for both national and international applications.
Full integrated support for top 4 optical cable manufacturer in the world
We support a large telecom company with all their patenting needs in India and augment their central IP department located in the West in developing India IP and building a long lasting IP culture in their organization.
Specification support for a top 10 patent filer in the world