Open Source Wonders


Where there are companies which struggles to monopolize the market with their inventions and their IP assets, there is Arvind Sanjeev from Kochi who did something out of the box. This 23 year old Sanjeev designed a replica of Google Glass in less than a month for just Rs. 4500, Credits to Arduino an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.

With the intention of contributing to the community, Sanjeev posted a blog explaining how his \’Smart Cap\’ can be built by anyone using open-source hardware such as a Rasberry Pi computer, an Arduino board and Android software.

“Open-source hardware platforms such as are enabling students, engineers and entrepreneurs to start building hardware products with little to no knowledge of electronics,” he quoted.

He added saying, \”Before I got introduced to Arduino in college, I had no idea how a calculator works or how I could build one, With the help of open-source hardware, I have been able to build a platform wherein you could control the entire car, including its ignition through just a mobile app.\”

Sanjeev has already applied for a patent for the platform and expects to sell it for Rs 9,000 a piece.

\”Open-source hardware lets you cut down on your prototyping and design time significantly and the vast community support helps you at every stage,\” said Farasbee, whose device has received interest from global pharmaceutical companies.

Many Indian startups have already been able to build 3D printers using such forums. To add icing to the cake open-source hardware will become a part of school and college curricula very soon. Some entrepreneurs are building their own open-source hardware to promote hardware product creation in India. Meerut-based Electrobricks is one such example. The company sells the basic kit for Rs 2,000, which kids and enthusiasts can use to create various hardware products.

Photo Credit: Marc Wathieu / / CC BY-SA 2.0