Webinar on Eligibility of Software Patent Claims in the USA in view of DDR Holdings, LLC v. Hotels.com, L.P.

ipMetrix Consulting Group invites you to join a live webinar on Patenting strategies for Start-ups in the IT and ITES domains.

The webinar details are as follows:

‘Bilski and Alice have set the standard of review required in assessing eligibility of patent claims aimed at software based inventios. As it stands, business methods and software based inventions are not barred from patent eligibility as such. However, a case by case approach to review eligibility of claims directed to such subject matter has increased uncertainity overall.

Federal Circuit (FC) decision in DDR Holdings, LLC v. Hotels.com, L.P. (DDR) held that software patent claims are patent eligible. In this session, we will try to deconstruct this case and compare to previous cases to better understand the position of US with respect to software patenting.

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