Trademark War over Khadi

\"ID-10095063\"Following Haldi (Turmeric) and Basmati, the latest instance of violation of Intellectual Property Rights, which is essentially traditional knowledge, is the famous KHADI.

The government\’s efforts to promote \’khadi\’ are facing a trademark snag with the brand having been registered abroad, in countries such as Germany, as well as in India. ‘Khadi\’ being registered in Germany, sources said registrations have taken place in Spain and Hungary too. What makes the task more difficult for the government is that \’khaddar\’ and \’khadi\’ are common across the Indian sub-continent — from Bangladesh to Pakistan.

In fact, some of the \’khadi\’ products manufactured abroad, such as Aamla shampoos and Heena, can be purchased online too.

Within the country there are around 90 trademarks which have been registered by several entities which includes brands and labels such as \’Khadi\’, \’Khadi Gramudyog\’ and \’Khadi Bharat\’.

The government is contemplating future course of action, including taking up the issue with the European authorities. \”We have noticed that there have been some IPR infringements and that is why we are trying to have our own trademark,\” said a senior MSME ministry official, adding that the Khadi logo is a step in that direction.

Photo Credit: Screen Sifar / / CC BY-SA 2.0