Computer Related Inventions

Should I copyright or patent my software?

Most discussions concerning protecting software touches upon this question, one way or the other. Patents and Copyrights are different forms of Intellectual Property, and they protect different aspects of a creation. Patents protect “concrete” ideas, and are intended to protect inventions – specific implementation or set of implementations of ideas. An example for a patentable …

Should I copyright or patent my software? Read More »

“Technical effect” requirement for Computer Related Inventions (CRIs): a mere guideline or a law?

The patentability requirements for Computer Related Inventions (CRIs) under Indian Patent Law have been unclear. It is generally understood that a CRI must demonstrate “technical effect” and the relevant claims must have “machine limitation”, in addition to the basic patentability requirements of novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability. However, the phrase “technical effect” has not …

“Technical effect” requirement for Computer Related Inventions (CRIs): a mere guideline or a law? Read More »