Spotlight on Female Inventors- The European Patent Office (EPO)

\"EIA-To mark International Women\’s Day (8 March) the European Patent Office (EPO) highlighted the work of outstanding female inventors over the past decade. Sources say that each year, women involve about one in nine proposals for the European Inventor Award.

  • The First woman to win the Award was, the Italian Inventor and entrepreneur Catia Bastoli in the year 2007 for Inventing Biodegradable Plastics.
  • In 2009, Fiona Fairhurst was nominated for her revolutionary swimsuit, which played an instrumental role in numerous world records for swimming.
  • In 2013, the UK’S Sophie Wilsonwon a nomination for the desirable prize in 2013 for her ground-breaking ARM processor on which 90% of today\’s mobile phones and smartphones operate, and
  • In 2014, Anna Haupt and Terese Alstin, Swedish Inventors were nominated for their invisible bike helmet.

The  10th jubilee edition of the European Inventor Award will be held on 11 June 2015 at the Palais Brongniart (La Bourse) in Paris, France.

Source: EPO, Image