More than 1,500 yogic asanas shortlisted to prevent patent cases

The Narendra Modi government has shortlisted more than 1,500 asanas and videographed more than 250, ordering them as \”customary information\” of the nation. This has been done with an end goal to upset endeavors by remote MNCs and people to get licenses and trademark on old yoga methods.

The activity will be a piece of the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), a unit of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of the service of science and innovation, which difficulties cases made at a few patent workplaces over the globe by people and MNCs.

\”Our specialists have recognized more than 1,500 yoga procedures from the writing accessible from our old writings and what is accessible at this point. Almost 250 asanas have been feature charted as of now. It ought to take five or six months to finish the procedure, after which it can be the piece of the database,\” said Archana Sharma, head of TKDL.

\”When that happens, any endeavor to claim patent on the Indian yoga procedures rehearsed since antiquated time can be ruined,\” she included. It has been watched that few licenses have been issued in the West for different yoga strategies. Numerous have copyright on those.

The administration chose to shape the TKDL after the biting knowledge of some MNCs asserting licenses for neem and turmeric in the most recent two decades. Getting a patent issued to a US MNC denied for turmeric, alone cost over a million dollars in lawful costs, travel and different expenses.

Taking after this, it was chosen to frame TKDL. Today its database has more than 2.93 lakh solutions, their properties showing that those have been customarily utilized for cure as a part of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha frameworks. The data is likewise present in Spanish, German, English, Japanese and French dialects.

The database is imparted to the European Patent Office (EPO), United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), German Patent Office (GPO), Intellectual Property Australia (IPA), Japanese Patent Office (JPO) and Chile Patent Office (CPO) under a \”non-revelation\” agreement.

\”In this way, every time when any individual or any MNC documents for patent, the significant patent workplaces allude to the TKDL base. On our section, a group is always observing the licenses that are being recorded. In this way, we likewise record pre-stipend resistance. There have been situations when the patent applications were crossed checked with the TKDL database and questions were raised. Taking after that the candidates withdrew their cases.

\”Since 2009, TKDL has obstructed more than 200 cases,\” said Sharma. In the course of the last one month, India has ruined two endeavors at licensing Indian customary solutions, which again included turmeric.

Photo Credit: Topher/ / CC BY-SA 2.0