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\"webinar_patented_bolt\"How to avoid worthless patents and develop a strong patent portfolio?

Have you ever tried googling “most patents are worthless”? You will find a lot of good information on why most patents are worthless and why you shouldn’t be spending a lot of money on patents, especially when you are a small company. Now, you can also try googling “patents are necessary evil”. You will find some more useful information on why patents are necessary.

It is true that companies spend a lot of time and money on worthless patents. And, it is also true that most technology companies need patents to stay competitive in this day and age. The key is to find the right balance. The right balance can only be achieved if one can understand the difference between a strong patent and a weak patent. And, this applies to both small companies with just a few patents and large companies with portfolios comprising hundreds and thousands of patents.

This session is aimed at helping inventors, IP professionals, and portfolio managers understand the differences between a strong patent and a weak patent, and apply the knowledge to analyze a portfolio of patents.

Date/Time: Tuesday, Jun 24, 2014; 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM IST (Approx. 1 hr)


I. Basics of a patent

Basics will cover the most essential elements of a patent document that can make or break the usefulness of the patent.

II. Analyzing strength and usefulness of a patent

Speaker will focus on the general and technical criteria used to analyze strength of a patent in different contexts through examples.

III. Analyzing strength of a portfolio of patents

Speaker will delineate the process of analyzing a portfolio of patents, by applying the basic concepts from sections I and II through examples.

Speaker: Arun Narasani, Founder, ipMetrix Consulting Group
