Fake Dharwad Pedha in the Market.

\"dharwadA sweet delicacy of Karnataka , The ‘Dharwad Pedha’ (80) may have acquired a Geographical Indication (GI) tag since 2008, but bakeries and sweetmeat shops across Bangalore have been selling pedhas using the brand name ‘Dharwad’.

It is a well known fact that, once a GI tag is obtained to a product, it is mandatory that the goods should have originated in the geographical area tagged. Whereas, shop owners across the city are not only selling it illegally, but they are also ignoring the liabilities to be faced.

Even though Karnataka has highest registered products with GI registry, unfortunately not much has been done to protect these tags. The reaction is the same for almost all products and crops with GI tag in the State. Sincere steps need to be taken so that the community, which manufactures the products, reaps the economic benefits.

Meanwhile, Chinnaraja G. Naidu, Assistant Registrar of Trademarks and GI in the office of Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, Chennai, said, “The job of weeding away duplicates or imitations lies with the registered GI owner.”

By: Akshatha Karthik

Photo Credit: dharwadapedha.blogspot.com