Indian Patent Office recently notified the international bureau that it is prepared to receive and process international applications in electronic form coming into effect from 15 November 2014.
International applications filed to the Indian Patent Office (IPO) as Receiving Office under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) may be filed electronically using ePCT. Applications filed via ePCT-Filing can be accessed by the applicant using the ePCT private services.
Any receiving office having the adequate technical systems in place is able to accept the filing of International applications in electronic form in accordance with Part 7 and Annex F of the administrative instructions under the PCT Containing, respectively, the legal framework and technical standard necessary to enable the implementation of filing and processing in electronic form of international applications, as provided for under PCT Rule 89bis.1.
Any further details related to Administrative Instruction under the PCT is described in detail under the Section 710– Notification and Publication of Receiving Offices Requirements and Practices
The IP Office has put in place a help desk to answer questions from users of this service. Users can write them at
An IPO News Update