
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and General Electric’s wind turbine patent dispute solved.

In 2008 General Elctric.co (GE), the Largest US Producer of wind turbines filed a complaint with the US International Trade commission (ITC) on February 27, 2008 alleging that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI)’s 2.4MW Turbines Infringes its patents. In light of the complaint, MHI accused GE of illegally trying to monopolise the US market for variable-speed …

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and General Electric’s wind turbine patent dispute solved. Read More »

Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development will file applications for Patenting breed soon.

Madhya Pradesh has set its sights on getting a patent for the Kadaknath Chicken, which was almost on the verge of extinction in the 1990’s. The kadaknath chicken is found in the tribal dominated district of Jhabua in western MP and had reached extinction due to over consumption. Commonly known as Kali Masi, was popularly …

Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development will file applications for Patenting breed soon. Read More »

“Technical effect” requirement for Computer Related Inventions (CRIs): a mere guideline or a law?

The patentability requirements for Computer Related Inventions (CRIs) under Indian Patent Law have been unclear. It is generally understood that a CRI must demonstrate “technical effect” and the relevant claims must have “machine limitation”, in addition to the basic patentability requirements of novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability. However, the phrase “technical effect” has not …

“Technical effect” requirement for Computer Related Inventions (CRIs): a mere guideline or a law? Read More »


Gearing Up Against Similar Trademarks OSHWA and OSI are meddling up against their logos which apparently appear to be similar. Open source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design. The hardware’s source, the design from which it …

OSS Read More »

Revised Draft Manual: A case of over simplification re software inventions

The Indian patent office has published a revised draft manual on 04 November 2010. This manual is a revised version of the previous draft manual published in 2008. It is in this context that we revisit the requirements for patentability of software. Draft Manual, 2008: Section 3 of the Indian patent act provides exclusions covering the subject matter that …

Revised Draft Manual: A case of over simplification re software inventions Read More »

Intellectual Property in the “cloud”ed era

Traditionally, computing has been done at defined and identified locations. For example, our computers, laptops, mobile phones, hosted servers, and so on. Cloud computing deviates from traditional computing by providing an abstraction layer on top of the various resources (like development/deployment of an application, processing instructions, and data storage) required in computing. By abstraction, I refer to …

Intellectual Property in the “cloud”ed era Read More »

Application claims for claiming a software based system

With respect to protection of software based inventions, the different subject matters that are of primary interest for inventors in the software field are: the methods that are enabled by the software, the systems that run the software to enable the methods, and the devices (or computer program products) that store the software and/or allow …

Application claims for claiming a software based system Read More »