Apple Sued for Infringing SanDisk Patents

\"8213432552_fd1a8cc461\"The Much awaited iphone 6 is here. And Majority of them are debating over it for bends!

And now the pendulum is swinging in the other direction!

Recently, Ireland\’s Longitude Licensing Ltd and Luxembourg\’s Longitude Flash Memory Systems S.a.r.l. have filed a joint patent infringement lawsuit against Apple. The lawsuit involves a whopping 13 counts of infringement covering most iDevices and iPod models. The plaintiffs are using former SanDisk patents that they now own against Apple.

The  count against Apple the plaintiff\’s state that \”The lawsuit claims that Apple has infringed and continues to infringe one or more of the claims of patent 6,763,424 (the \’424 Patent) in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271 by making, using, selling, and/or offering to sell within the United States, and/or by importing into the United States, without authority.

About Plaintiffs:

Longitude Licensing Ltd- founded in 2013, is a privately owned IP management company that specializes in maximizing the value of patented intellectual property. Its affiliated companies own and manage portfolios totaling more than 6,500 semiconductor and storage solution patents and patent applications. Affiliate Longitude Flash Memory Systems S.a.r.l. acquired from SanDisk Corporation (\”SanDisk\”) a portfolio of patents, including the Patents-in-Suit, relating to flash memory systems.Longitude Licensing Ltd. is the exclusive licensee from its affiliated company of this SanDisk patent portfolio, with all rights to enforce the Patents-in-Suit.

SanDisk Corporation, an American multinational corporation that designs, develops and manufactures flash memory storage solutions and software. Since 1988, their innovations in flash memory and storage system technologies have provided customers with new and transformational digital experiences.  Of SanDisk\’s 5,459 employees, nearly half—2,487 employees—are dedicated to research and development of new technologies and products. Their commitment to innovation continues through its investment in new technology and products.

Through its licensing activities SanDisk enables companies to benefit from the hundreds of millions of dollars the company annually spends on research and development. SanDisk\’s license agreements provide licensees the right to make, use and sell products that incorporate SanDisk\’s patented technology. SanDisk\’s licensing agreements also assure that SanDisk receives a fair return on its investment in research and development. SanDisk uses these royalties to fund further research and development in flash memory technology and systems, and thus continue to contribute to the flash memory industry that SanDisk pioneered.

The patent infringement case brought against Apple by the plaintiffs includes 13 patents 6,763,424, 7,970,987, 8,316,177, 6,968,421, 7,657,702, 7,818,490, 7,012,835, 6,831,865, 7,224,607, 8,050,095, 6,510,488, 7,181,611 and 7,120,729. And products using these flash memory systems, includes but are not limited to the Apple iPad, Apple iPad 2, Apple iPad (3rd Generation), Apple iPad (4th Generation), Apple iPad Air, Apple iPad mini, Apple iPad mini with Retina display, Apple iPhone, Apple iPhone 3G, Apple iPhone 3GS, Apple iPhone 4, Apple iPhone 4S, Apple iPhone 5, Apple iPhone 5C, Apple iPhone 5S, iPod Touch 2G, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, and iPod Touch 5G.