March 7, 2014

Ancora Techs., Inc. v. Apple, Inc. illustrates the benefits of keeping things simple

On 3rd March 2014, Apple, Inc. (Apple) lost a case against Ancora Techs., Inc. The case was relating to claim construction (understanding the meaning of claims). This case illustrates the importance of writing clear claims and how clearly worded claims save the day, if and when a patent gets involved in a litigation. The case …

Ancora Techs., Inc. v. Apple, Inc. illustrates the benefits of keeping things simple Read More »

Basics of Intellectual Property Licensing

A License Agreement is a relationship of co-operation between parties whereby one party, the licensor, the possessor of IP assets Permits the licensee to use his intellectual assets in return for a specific compensation. A license agreement should reflect the goal of both the parties’ involved and should be structured in such a way that …

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