IP Support Function for Attorney Firms
Know More About IP Support Function for Attorney Firms
Through our internationally integrated model, we have been working with over 60 attorney firms around the globe to satisfy the needs of our clients. Our understanding of how foreign attorney firms work and our collaborative model has facilitated many mutually beneficial relationships between us and attorney firms in many countries delivering best services to clients around the globe.
We provide world class services and on-demand capacity to attorney firms around the globe. Services to attorney firms cover the entire gamut of our services including research support services and drafting support services.

Research Support Services
Through our research support offering to attorney firms, we provide patent research services on a need basis to our attorney firm clients at an affordable price. Our attorney firm clients like to work with us because of the quality of our work, and flexibility of on-demand capacity that we provide that enables them to retain the work and clients.
In the past we have offered research support services in the following areas: Prior art searches, Claim charting, Landscape data reporting, and Litigation support.

Drafting Support Services
We offer comprehensive specification drafting services to our attorney firm clients. Our specification drafting services include: Complete specification drafting, Specification description, and Illustrations.
Our approach to specification drafting is very comprehensive. We ensure that we understand the novel aspects of an invention through discussions and invention disclosure process before we start the process of drafting. After disclosure process, our draft process starts with identifying the breadth of claims based on number of embodiments that we can identify. Our first draft that is sent for client review includes only the claims, drawings, and background sections. That way we ensure that we capture the essence of the invention in full breadth before going ahead with rest of the specification. A specification draft goes through at least three rounds of internal review before it is finalized.
While we can prepare ready to file specifications, we also provide drafting support services like writing descriptions, and making illustrations.
Because of our International presence, we are able to tackle issues relating to export control regulations. When required, we get the work done out of our International offices rather than exporting technology.
Success Stories

Specification description drafting support for a Maryland based mid-sized law firm.

Patent landscape data aggregation and reporting for an in-house attorney.

Specification drafting for a leading provider of technology in the audio encoding space with applications in the Entertainment industry.

Prior art searches for a top New York law firm.